Fun in the Food Forest Workshop 2014

Food Forest Course BC CanadaCome have fun and develop hands-on experience with one of Canada’s most experienced forest gardeners in our one-acre cold climate food forest when you join us at Clear Sky Center for this exciting new workshop.

You will learn how to manage layerings of perennial nuts, fruits and medicinals in your garden or on your farm. This workshop is great for garden & food enthusiasts of all ages & experience levels. If you have done a food forest workshop or permaculture course, you will find that this course provides the practical details of how to care for your food forest endeavours in the formative years. You will also begin to explore uses in the kitchen and revenue generation opportunities with abundant diverse food and medicine supplies from our food forest.

Fun in the Food Forest includes:

  • A special invitation to celebrate the first anniversary of our one-acre food forest, planted in May 2013.
  • Discovering how Food Forests can benefit you, your land and well-being as well as our community.
  • The inside scoop on the design, site and layout principles of the one acre cold climate food forest at Clear Sky.
  • First –hand experience and in the field learning tools. You will explore with Richard, assessment of how the food forest over-wintered and how to address soil and individual plant needs in your initial years of growing a food forest and or garden.
  • Hands-on learning and explorations of how to use and further develop an abundant and diverse supply of food and medicinals in the formative years of a food forest.
  • The opportunity to make tinctures and other simple products from your garden or young food forest.

Instructor: Richard Walker

richard walkerCourse Instructor Richard Walker currently lives in Oliver BC, but spent his early years as an organic farmer in Alberta. He later moved to Grand Forks BC where he developed a 3 acre food forest, called Dragons Eye Nursery, over a 20 year period. Having converted a degraded piece of land into an abundant mix of rare, unique nut, fruit and medicinal plants from all over the world, he is one of Canada’s most experienced food forest gardeners.


Visit the Clear Sky Retreat Centre Website for Food Forest Training’s Full Details and Pricing