Introduction to Permaculture in Cranbrook, BC

Introduction to Permaculture BC CranbrookSome key ideas, concepts & practice from the workshop:

Permaculture is more than keeping a Sustainable status quo. Its about moving from the Degenerative systems we live with now, to systems of Regeneration !

The industrial food system takes 10 calories of hydrocarbons to produce one calorie of food, and depletes precious global top soil year after year (our #1 environmental problem before deforestation & pollution) Lets grow our own gardens!

If we change our view about what is ‘waste’, then we have an opportunity for new yields – also called Upcycling! eg. ‘waste’ water from your roof …

Want to learn more? Come to the Permaculture Design Course at Clear Sky.

Thanks to Rob Avis of Verge Permaculture & Adrian Buckley of Big Sky Permaculture for teaching in Cranbrook on their whirlwind two week permaculture tour of Eastern BC! We were oh so happy to host them & the event.

Thanks to College of the Rockies Cranbrook for their generous use of the lecture hall!

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