What are Food Forests?

The basic idea of a food forest system is that we design how we grow food based on natural forest principles & relationships. In other words, we copy the way elements in a forest co-exists. Forests don’t need to be fertilised by us, watered by us, weeded by us, or plowed by us. They are self-fertilising, self-regenerating, abundant, diverse and highly resilient. How clever nature is!

In an established food forest system, we don’t have to replant, rototill & fertilise every year. Food forests have a natural mulch layer, meaning we don’t need to water as much, if at all. We can enjoy a rich and nutritious diet from perennials, though it will take us a while to change our conditioned habits about what we do and don’t like to eat! (did u grow up on brussel sprouts & brocolli?) Of course there will still always be room on our plates & in our gardens for annual vegetables (who could give up tomatoes), but wouldn’t you also love to try: Ostrich ferns & asparagus followed by Rhubarb Pear Pie with a walnut crust? Wouldn’t you like to wander out into your perennial garden to pick seabuckthorn tea…or how about mint? What about roasted chestnuts, asian pears & haskap berries…you might even be able to grow some arctic kiwi, or make wine from prairie grape varieties.

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